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5 Newborn Tips from a Pediatrician

Babies don't come with manuals, but pediatricians DO come with babies. Here's 5 tips your pediatrician wants you to know.

1. Weight Gain: Most babies LOOSE 8-10 oz in the first week of life and are back to their birth weight by 2 weeks. This is completely normal and nothing to stress over.

2. Development: Developmental milestones:

  • Suck swallow and breath coordinated without choking

  • Move in response to noise and stimulation

  • Respond to your voice and touch

  • Calm down when picked up

  • Look at you when awake

  • Eat well

3. Normal: Hiccups and sneezing

4. Abnormal: bring to pediatricians attention

  • Fever 100+ - A newborns immune system doesn't kick in for 2 months. Babies are dependent on a mother's antibodies through breast milk until their own immune system kicks in. Even a low grade fever could be dangerous. A temperature of 100+ F (underarm, forehead, ear, rectal) should be brought to your pediatricians attention immediately.

  • Persistent cough

  • Fluids - One of the most common questions we get is "How do I know my baby is getting enough fluids?" We measure the fluids with wet diapers! Babies should have at least 5 wet diapers everyday from day 7 and on. If they aren't getting that many they may be dehydrated and should see a pediatrician.

5. 3 B's of Babies

  1. Baby Blues - Postpartum Depression is common and nothing to be ashamed of. Symptoms may be feeling overwhelmed, crying randomly or excessively. If you are having a hard time coping or doing your normal tasks, let your doctor know. They can help!

  2. Back to Sleep Campaign - Or Back is Best! Did you know there is a higher risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) when you place your baby to bed on their tummy? 7 years ago we learned that our country had the highest rate for SIDS due to placing babies to bed on their tummies. After placing our babies to bed on their backs those rates dropped drastically.

  3. Bed Sharing - Bed sharing is when you lay your baby next to you while sleeping. We see more deaths every year from bed sharing than we ever do from SIDS. The problem is that it's 100% preventable. Always sit up in a chair or your bed while feeding and then lay the baby in their crib or bassinet.

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